Ignite Me-Tahereh Mafi

Huge Spoilers, if you haven’t read the book, I would seriously recommend this trilogy. – DON’T READ the review…..

So, here I am. I know it’s been a while and I wanted to blog but I just couldn’t with the work load, literally dragging me down. I read Ignite Me,  I read it like recently, even when I was trying hard to study for my quizzes. As you all might know,  I was a huge fan of the Shatter Me and Unravel Me and I was eagerly waiting for the final book-going crazy. I don’t know whether I can even write this review without spoilers. Huge supporter of Team Warner and Juliette. After the earth shattering ending of Evertrue by Brodi Ashton-Cole I still can’t believe you are dead, I had braced myself for an unhappy ending for Team Warner. I was so sure that Juliette is going to pick Adam I was holding my breath half the time. I loved this book if focusing solely on romance, I am more than happy with it. I loved Kenji, and I knew people were huge fans of Kenji since the start but I wasn’t into his character but in this book I loved him, he was hilarious. Adam just boiled my blood, I knew where he was coming from but he irritated the hell out of me. I wanted his character to have evolved on a better note but he was just killing everything. There were other parts which I loved, like the part when Juliette announced she was alive. The part where Warner talked about his mother and we find out about why he was soo interested in Juliette. The part where his mother dies-poor baby. I am practically revealing everything, I still feel like I need another book. Things ended too quickly after the final fight, I believe the final scene in Unravel Me had more impact. Maybe, she could write a spin off just so we have a clue what happened after Anderson died or she can write the fourth- I would be into it. It felt like I was taking a break from the long distant relationship or that I entered a long distant relationship. Don’t know how to explain this feeling, but I know that I need another book. It just feels like unfinished business. I want to know about Warner’s and his brother’s relationship, I need to know what happened with Kenji. I want to know everything, and I want a movie :p.

My Rating:           Five RoboRating

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